Marketing-Börse PLUS - Fachbeiträge zu Marketing und Digitalisierung
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Up-And-Coming: Advertising via Mobile Phone

Mobile phone advertising is a very recent thing.Past mobile phone-displays had been small and monochrome, then small and coloured.Times have changed.
Heike Scholz | 18.04.2007
Mobile phone advertising is a very recent thing. Past mobile phone-displays had been small and monochrome, then small and coloured. No advertiser was interested to be present there. Not any more. Today’s mobile phones do have high-resolution displays that are big enough to show graphical objects at their best. Additionally, UMTS and HSDPA allow for broadband transmission to the mobile terminals plus the communication charges for mobile data transmission are dropping dramatically. The acceptancy of mobile advertising is on the rise – specifically among the young. Time is ripe for mobile advertising. [...]

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Img of Heike Scholz

Heike Scholz gründete 2006 mobile zeitgeist und begleitet seitdem die Entwicklungen rund um das Mobile Business als Speaker, Herausgeberin & Autorin.